Monday, May 29, 2023


Well sir, it's just past 800 articles at the little history blog halfway down on your bookmark list, so it's a good time to take a look around and see what's new in the neighborhood.

Our last cook's tour was five years ago (2018) in article # 650. Since that was just a few months after the Tubbs fire, the most read article was THE FORGOTTEN FIRES OF FOUNTAINGROVE AND COFFEY PARK, which described man-made fires in 1908 and 1939 that could have been catastrophic had the winds shifted towards Santa Rosa. That and other articles about historic fires are still the most popular and featured in the list below.

The only technical change to the site is the addition of the RANDOM option in the header, which works as described. It was created during the early days of the Covid lockdown and seems to be well used. I've even rediscovered several items I'd forgotten writing about.

The curated list found here mainly contains stories written over the last five years and a different list can be found in article 650 with one overlap. Articles now tend to be longer and more in-depth; there's a catagory below for multi-part series such as the 41,000 word, twelve part examination of the creation of Santa Rosa Plaza. The ever growing number of newspapers and journals available online has also made it possible to dive deeper into research beyond just the Sonoma County papers.

The rest of this article can be read at the website. Because of recurring problems with the Blogger platform, I am no longer wasting my time formatting and posting complete articles here. I will continue to create stubs for the sake of continuity, but will be publishing full articles only at

- Jeff Elliott

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